Saturday, February 16, 2013

"My Defender" Comic Book Cover Design

Materials: Rulers, Pencils, Drawing Paper, and Colored Pencils

Activity: Students brainstormed then designed their very own super-defender. The project is based on the school wide acceptance that a defender is one who "helps others when being bullied."

 Sequence: This project was a culminating assignment that ended the 7th and 8th grade unit on perspective. We began using one-point perspective to first create three dimensional letters then, using the same technique, observed perspective in our school by drawing the hallway. Finally, we studied figure drawing while considering a personal point of view and the point of view of others. We combined all of these concepts into the final comic book cover. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Healthy Activity Dioramas 

6th Grade

Materials: Figures - wire with paper mache and tempra paint
Dioramas - shoe boxes with paper, glue, marker, and paint

Activity: Students will create a diorama that demonstrates their favorite 
healthy activity.